Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Amazing Things Are Happening

Composite photo of frame from Miller video and Capp's picture
If you have not read Anthony Capp's post Believing, Inventing and Implementing Technological Pedagogies , do so. It is now a requirement for this course. Add it to the required blogs posts for November 1. And read the exchange of comments that have been posted by Jim Fawcett, Anthony, Dr. Miller, me and others that may be added after this post is posted. Contribute your thoughts there as well, if you wish.

This is just another example of how the world and education have changed. Are you ready for this world? I know that many of your are still hesitant, and are perhaps hopeful that I am wrong and that you will not have to embrace the new era and be a different kind of teacher than you had intended or hoped to be. But it is here, like it or not.

I celebrate the new opportunities that we have and find this interchange remarkable and profoundly moving when we think about what real learning can be!


  1. Kudos to Anthony and Jim! I think all of the changes are great and I hope all teachers and the rest of us,embrace the change, learn from it and then pass it on. Just last night, in another class, I was able to help someone who was trying to do a presentation in google docs but was having problems adding the graphics. She was very upset.I told her how to do it based on what I had learned in your class. I was a rock star for a brief moment! Thanks!

  2. You have always been a rock star, you just needed a little encouragement. How's life out in the sticks?
